
Alhamdulillah,after few days searching nice template and ideas for this new blog.
I manage to make it.

Whats the purpose for this blog? well if you see my previous blog 6bone91,for me its kinda messed up.If you observe my post,beginning its all about tech,then crap,lastly about me.What happen la?

I just sat down and think.I decided to shut it down,and open a new blog,all about life.How to make it simple.That is why I choose the domain life is simple la!. Why the "la" need to be included?.

An incident happen together with me and my friends in mamak restaurant.I share about it in another post.That's why I put "la" in the domain.
Onion Icon....

Futhermore,LIFE IS SIMPLE LA!!! is my motto....
Follow me if you wish to keep update about me and life...wish me good luck...



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